:: Header image by me :: "it's up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days" :: "Save some time to dream, cos your dream might save us all.” ::

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hunting Heffalumps

This reminds me of my gran... she loved Pooh. All those books I was brought up with with her reading them to me.  I remember sleeping over in the old house my mum grew up in, and her reading us Pooh stories in her big bed with light blue quilts.

I miss her so much.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hi everyone! Hope you're weekends went well, and that you got a lot done/did something fun! I was productive, and caught up with friends! 

These are some photo's I took on the way to see my friend Jaime, up from my hometown for the weekend. Love her to death. Decided to play around with these in photoshop - I think the colours really bring out the autumn. I really need to play with photoshop more often. Layers!! :D

Hope everyone has a good week, I'll be mega busy - I have a test on Wednesday, then an assignment and test the week after. I'm a busy girl coming up to the end of term! Can't wait for study break though! <3

Friday, May 21, 2010

Be Be Your Love

All these beautiful photographs are by an awesome photographer Antonella Arismendi, I swear I saved almost all of these photos - I love how soft and serene they are... so beautiful. They make me want to go on an American roadtrip in an old Shelby Mustang (like in a book I once read). That's one thing I need to add to my bucketlist - an American Roadtrip. 

The models are so gorgeous as well - they have such intensity in their eyes but elict the epitome of cool.

I Dreamed a Dream

I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend! The capital has finally cleared out the rain and it's a lovely day here in Wellington! I spent this morning finishing an assignment, and then I relaxed on the porch in the sun with my Mindfood magazine. That magazine has everything in it. It's not a trashy magazine, it has fashion, beauty, environmental issues, health, life, exercise, food, everything you can imagine!

I am dying for this dress right now - it's on Trademe for $120 but I don't think I could splurge that much... it's a Motel dress. I could think of multiple ways to wear it - with a slouch shirt and leather jacket, tights, boots, heels, dressed up, dressed down... but... right now I can't buy it. 

I did however, put that Witchery shirt on Layby - I should get it next week. It's awesome, it can double up as a dress if I wear tights under it, maybe with a brown belt and brown boots. I'm excited.

Have a happy weekend! x

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Million Faces

How awesome are these designs from Clever Bastards? It's a New Zealand online store specialising in NZ craft, delicatessen (oh the chocolates and HONEY!), homeware, art, clothing, jewellery, recycled objects, and MORE. It's incredible... I could go wild there if I had the money. 

I am dying for that vase... isn't it adorable?! I can envision it with a Pink Gerbera... how pretty would that be? 

Just went to the fruit and vege market, it was damp, but nice. I always enjoy going. :) I'm going to hate it the first time I have to go when it's pouring rain. 

Off to my friends cafe to try to do some study! Internet distracts me at home.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What a Wonderful World

How adorable are these cards from Swonderful? I love this store and I LOVE that it's in my city. Has the most gorgeous clothes from their own label, Papercup. Everything in that store I just want to eat up. I always have trouble even picking SOMETHING because everything is just so amazing.

Think of Me

Beautiful flowers in jars and cans via She Walks in Beauty. Such a beautiful idea - I wish I had jars and flowers aplenty, and space to put them! 

I have a to-do list.
  1. Put washing on line
  2. Tidy Room
  3. Make the bed (with the awesomely 70's bright orange wool blanket Mum gave me that was a wedding present for my mum and dad!)
  4. Tidy wardrobe. It's shocking.
  5. Start my Psychology assignment that's due in a week. 
Awesome. Productive day inside! When it's such a beauty outside! 

Little House

I made scones just now... pretty awesome scones if I can say... because I made them up. I'm sure they've been done before... but I just decided I wanted to make Honey & Blueberry Scones - two of my favourite sweet things. 

Recipe (basically out of Edmonds Cookbook):
3 cups flour
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
roughly 1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
75g butter
1-1/2 cups milk

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add sugar. Rub in butter until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add blueberries. Add milk and honey and mix quickly with a knife. Knead a few times, lightly dust an oven tray with flour. Roll scone dough into a rough log shape and cut into roughly 12 pieces. Space evenly on tray and bake at 220ºC for 10 min or until golden brown. 

Serve fresh with melted butter and a cup of tea and Bob's your Uncle!

They turned out wonderfully - the sweetness of the honey isn't too overpowering and it compliments the tartness of the blueberries perfectly. Plus you're getting your antioxidants! 

I love blueberries - I have them with my porridge in the morning. I buy them at the fruit market for like, half the price of what they are in the supermarket ($6 vs $2.50 a punnet? Yeah). And when they're really cheap I buy two and freeze one for once they go out of season. That will be a sad day.

 I feel like such a nanna these days! I can't remember the last weekend I went out. I'm hanging out for this Wednesday when I'll go to Jazz at Havana. It's just such a nice night out, to have a glass of wine and a chat with good live music. And it seems to be the place to hang out for spotting cute guys.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Snuggly looking PJ's from Country Road would be so nice right now... I also need to invest in a heater.
A cute denim shirt from Witchery - I'm a bit addicted to shirts over tank tops at the moment. 

Indigo Biker Jeans - so sexy and flattering. Also from Witchery. Great with a shirt, denim jacket, chunky scarf, and vintage leather laceup boots.
And the piece of clothing I'm craving the most right now. Oh so pretty. Also a la Witchery

Title of this post is from a song in the new movie 'Dear John'. I love the soundtrack to this movie so much. It just makes me all happy inside. Such beautiful indie sounds.

Well, off to make some fish pie. I bought some nice Monk Fish last week and still need to cook it, so fish pie it is. With mushrooms and spinach. Yum.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Lomography 'Fisheye Compact' Camera from Superette

Oh so cool. I've wanted one since ages ago when I saw my friend Bom's photo's on hers. She's all cool and up to date with things like this. I just wanna take wacky photos. 

I'm also dying for a new lens for my camera - really wanting a 50mm f/1.6 lens. Would be so much better for taking pictures in Wellington. 

I'm trying to get my HR essay done. It's on personal internet use in the workplace. I'm finding it incredibly ironic that I just keep popping onto Facebook when I'm writing about how to avoid cyberslacking. Oh well.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

In my weekend I went for a walk to the National War Memorial...

This is where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is.

A lunch I made on Saturday - Poached eggs on bread from Arobake with Feta & Spinich spread and Mesculin Salad. I thought it looked pro.

Another shot of the Memorial... it was such a lovely day!

I am going to give you a piece of advice, advice I wish I’d been told back in high school, in between the don’t-do-acid and don’t-drink-and-drive films. I wish our counselors had told us, “When you grow older, a dreadful, horrible sensation will come over you. It’s called loneliness, and you think you know what it is now, but you don’t. Here is the list of the symptoms, and don’t worry—loneliness is the most universal sensation on the planet. Just remember one fact—loneliness will pass. You will survive, and you will be a better human for it. Douglas Coupland

I've been a busy bee this weekend. I worked in the bar at the rugby game on Saturday which was fun. Funny that the first time I go to a rugby game (yes I'm a bad Kiwi) I'm working. But YAY work. I'm also currently helping out my professor doing some research and I've hopefully got a bit of a HR job soon with a large agency! If I do that well I should hopefully get a bit more work from them which is really really good.

Life is happening! Living it!

::Music:: Rachael Yagamata, Sunday Afternoon.